

作者: 翻译:May | 来源:基督时报 | 2018年05月30日 08:39 |

今年5月10日是卡尔·巴特(Karl Barth)诞辰132周年纪念日,他是一位瑞士牧师,神秘的思想家,是二十世纪颇具争议的最伟大的神学家。



巴特在1914年一战中德国教会支持德国战争的目标中看到了宗教的失败。在向德国皇帝投降的过程中,看到教会的危险是与周围的人类文化没有区别并且自认为是上帝的代言人。在第二次世界大战中,再次出现宗教政治妥协的问题。巴特是或宣信会(Confessing Church)的一员,该教会勇敢反对纳粹主义的幽灵。

他标志性的多卷作品《教会教义学》(Church Dogmatics)证明了他卓越的才智,但同时巴特在他神学的核心上有一颗牧者的心并且简明扼要。有一次他在芝加哥演讲后被问到,能否用一句话概括他的神学。他就顺口用母亲教他的一首歌的歌词来回答说:“耶稣爱我我知道,因有圣书告诉我。”



To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world.


Heaven and earth, nature and man, comedy and tragedy...the Virgin Mary and the demons...Mozart simply contains and includes all this within his music in perfect harmony. This harmony is not a matter of 'balance' or 'indifference' – it is a glorious upsetting of the balance, a turning in which the light rises and the shadows fall, in which the Yes rings louder than the ever-present.


The enterprise of Adolf Hitler, with all its clatter and fireworks, and all its cunning and dynamic energy, is the enterprise of an evil spirit, which is apparently allowed its freedom for a time in order to test our faith in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

4. 当我们正为得到答案而绞尽脑汁之时,圣灵就会给我们一个答案。当我们还能得到我们自己的各种答案的时候,祂怎么可能还会再给我们一个答案?

When we are at our wits' end for an answer, then the Holy Spirit can give us an answer. But how can He give us an answer when we are still well supplied with all sorts of answers of our own?


While it is beyond our comprehension that eternity should meet us in time, yet it is true because in Jesus Christ eternity has become time.


I had to show that the Bible dealt with an encounter between God and Man. I thought only of the apartness of God. What I had to learn after that was the togetherness of Man and God – a union of two totally different kinds of beings.

7. 作为牧师,我们应该谈到上帝。然而,我们是人,所以不能随便谈论上帝。我们应该由此认清自己的义务和无能,藉着这份认识,荣耀归与神。

As ministers we ought to speak of God. We are human, however, and so cannot speak of God. We ought therefore to recognise both our obligation and our inability and by that very recognition give glory to God.

8. 人类生命的目标不是死亡,而是复活。

The goal of human life is not death but resurrection.

9. 毫无乐趣徒劳的神学家根本不配是神学家。在这一领域,阴郁的面孔,忧郁的思想和索然寡味话语都是令人无法忍受的。

The theologian who labours without joy is not a theologian at all. Sulky faces, morose thoughts and boring ways of speaking are intolerable in this field.




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